New WCMSA Reference Guide Provides Much Needed Clarification On Section 4.3
By B. Smith On March 21, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) Reference Guide, Version 3.6. The update to...
CMS Advances Rulemaking for Section 111 Civil Money Penalties and Future Medicals
By F. Fairchok Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) advanced the rulemaking process in two long-awaited areas. The Regulation Identifier Numbers for “Medicare Secondary Payer and...
CMS Allows Payment of MSP Recovery Debts Via ACH
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) and Group Health Plan (GHP) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) recovery debts may be paid...
How To Make Sense of the CMS WCMSA Webinar
by B. Smith As promised, CMS hosted a WCMSA webinar on February 17, 2022. Although acknowledging that Section 4.3 of the Guide was the most pressing issue webinar participants wanted...
CMS Issues New Guidance on Evidence-Based MSAs in WCMSA Reference Guide Version 3.5
Earlier this month, CMS issued Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement (WCMSA) Reference Guide Version 3.5. The guide includes a new section, The Use of Non-CMS-Approved Products to Address Future...
New Section 111 TPOC Alert Issued By CMS
by B. Smith CMS issued a new alert regarding the requirement to complete the Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date field in applicable situations. Specifically, the alert is a reminder...
CMS Issues New Alert Regarding Incorrect Reporting of No-Fault Policy Limits
By B. Smith On October 26, 2021, CMS issued an alert addressing the importance of accurately reporting no-fault policy limits as part of Section 111 Reporting. CMS acknowledged that policy...
CMS Releases NGHP User Guide Version 6.5
by Frank Fairchok, Vice President of Medicare Reporting Services In what continues to be an exciting time of change in the Medicare Secondary Payer space, CMS released version 6.5 of...
CMS Announces Acceptance of Records with Future Entitlement Date
by Frank Fairchok, Vice President of Medicare Reporting Services On September 27, 2021, CMS announced they would begin accepting record submissions where the entitlement date is up to three months...