Settlement Consulting Services
IMPAXX offers a comprehensive and innovative suite of services to assist customers in the pre and post settlement process.
Our settlement consulting team includes professionals experienced in workers’ compensation, liability, and elder care issues. Our teammates regularly work with insurers, self-insured employers, and counsel on issues related to Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, our team includes former claims managers and adjusters who understand the unique complexities of claims management.
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Medicare Compliance Consulting
We utilize a multi-disciplinary approach to help our customers reach their optimal settlement goals.
Some of our consulting services include:
- Assisting our customers in creating Medicare processes and procedures based on their unique needs
- Analyzing settlement review projects to close old claims and those claims where medical remains open
- Providing Pre-MSA consultation on claim reduction strategies
- Conducting a review and analysis of prior MSAs to address cost saving and compliance alternatives
- Consulting with employers, self-insured employers, insurers, defense counsel and claimant’s counsel to answer Certified MSA questions.
- Evaluating MSA products to confirm they meet the compliance needs of your company
- Determining if all MSP areas are being addressed prior to, during, and after claim resolution.
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Section 111 Reporting Audit Services
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, most of our customers have made the strategic decision to develop their own internal programs for MMSEA Section 111 Reporting. We can assist with this approach, offering guidance, recommending appropriate protocols, and helping customers execute their strategy.
We can also offer a bridge to support our customers’ internal program development by serving as their reporting agent while concurrently assisting in the development of their internal programs.
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Medicare Compliance Training
A key component of a successful Medicare compliance program is ensuring that professionals understand Medicare requirements and their role in the compliance process. We offer a variety of in-house and onsite training to address this need, some of which include:
- Leadership training for self-insured employers/insurers/TPAs
- Training of claims staff
- Defense counsel training regarding the claims process
- Implementation training for Medicare compliance policies and procedures
- Introductory Medicare compliance training for staff and new hires
- Ongoing Medicare compliance updates and training
- Compliance training for claims staff that includes CE insurance credits and CLE credits for counsel